Friday, March 15, 2013


Caleb has yet to really be introduced to the concept of "dessert". But when he does, I hope to have many more recipes in my back pocket, like these healthy homemade popsicles. My mom called me the other day and told me to turn on the Katie Couric show, Jessica Alba was on it talking about allergies, eating a clean diet, as well as reducing environmental pollutants in  your home. She was FULL of wonderful information, and I am very interested in learning more about her Honest product line. One thing I really enjoyed that she shared on the show, was learning how to introduce HEALTHY snacks to our children... as well as affordable and tasty. She shared two different popsicle ideas. Here they are!

First was a "Strawberry Lover's Ice Pop"
2 C. of strawberries (organic... strawberries are in the "dirty dozen" for pesticides, so if you can buy organic, i recommend it, otherwise wash wash wash)
2-3 TBLS honey (we use raw)
2 TBLS lemon juice
2 TBLS basil leaves chopped up
1 C. milk/water

puree the strawberries, milk, lemon juice, honey and basil leaves together until desired consistency. Pour into ice cube molds, add popsicle sticks, and freeze! 

2nd recipe: "Go Green Ice Pop"
3 bananas
2 C. of fresh pineapple chunks
2 C. of fresh spinach
1 C. of 100% pineapple juice or milk 

blend spinach and liquid of choice. Add the pineapple chunks and puree. Then add the bananas and mix until smooth. Pour in popsicle molds and freeze! (usually freeze in a couple hours)

I love the concept of these. Your child still gets a yummy treat, but its made of whole fruits and vegetables. You can basically get creative and add whatever you want, but these are no fail recipes to try first. :) Can't wait to get my popsicle molds and try with caleb. I'll post a picture as soon as I do. :) Maybe once the snow melts here.